March 12, 2025
Foot Care for Diabetic Patients in Monsoon (4)

As much attention is paid to skin care, diabetes requires as much attention to foot care. If the sugar level is not under control, it affects the feet as well as other parts of the body. In a few days, the nerves can become weak, and the pain in the legs will decrease. In terms of doctors, this disease is called ‘diabetic neuropathy’. Diabetics should pay extra attention to foot care, especially in this monsoon. Rain means a risk of mud and infection. Diabetics can suffer if they do not take care of their feet. Learn how to take care of your feet.

1) Having diabetes increases the risk of infection. Monsoon means foot fungus infection more or less for many people. To get rid of this problem, it is important to wash your feet with lukewarm water every time you come back from outside. Wash your feet with mild soap. Dry your feet after washing. Especially the heel part should never be wet. It can increase fungal infections.

2) Hands and feet get dry very quickly due to the high humidity in the monsoon. The skin is tight. Excessive dryness is not good for diabetics. So use moisturizer. Apply moisturizer to toes and heels well.

3) Never walk barefoot, even at home. You will not feel any cuts or blisters as the swelling of the feet decreases. Dirt can get in there and get infected.

4) It is important to do pedicures every 15 days in a week during the monsoon. But in the parlor, pedicures are is better to avoid it for diabetics.  done using different equipment. It is better to avoid it for diabetics. Instead, you can do pedicures at home with shampoo and warm water.

5) Many people take regular walks to keep diabetes under control. There is no need to rush into that practice during monsoons. But it is better to wear open shoes instead of closed shoes. Buy shoes or slippers that can be washed. Wash your shoes and feet well after returning home. And do not wear shoes if they are not dry. If necessary, use two or three shoes at this time.

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